Thursday, July 8, 2010

How to Use the Blog

Lextergal and I were thinking and we came to a decision that we should tell people how to use the cool features in the blog.

-Here is the run-down, in the middle are the most recent posts where we inform you about things going on in Stardoll.
-To the left is nothing.
-At the very bottom, we will post links to places, such as the Official Stardoll Blog.
-To the right is the sidebar. There, we have the hit counter, which is a device that counts how many visits the blog has.
-Below is the Top Ten Informant Fans where it shows the ten people who have visited this blog most.
-Below is a poll where we will change the question and answers occasionally.
-Then we have the chat box where you can talk to others about the blog and Stardoll. To type messages: Go to the bottom of the chatbox. You have to use your username where it says "name" but you don't have to put any URL. Then in the bigger box where it says "message" type what you would like to say. Your message should then appear.
-Further down we have the followers section where it tells you how many followers we have and shows some of their pictures.
-Then we have the mixpod, a playlist of today's hottest music...on Lextergal's iPod! To use it just click the buttons. The arrows to the right go to the next song. The arrows pointing left go to the previous song. The bottom button pauses/plays the music. The top button labeled "Menu" gives you the list of songs. NOTE: If the music stops up, just click back to the beginning of the line on the screen bottom or pause it until the music has gone all the way through.
-Underneath that we have the Blog Archive where you can search for blog posts you may have missed or if you just want to see them.
-The very last thing(s) in the sidebar are the advertisements. You can buy some if you'd like, just ask Lextergal and she will send you the prices of the packages and what is included. Remember to check those out to see if anyone has good items for sale, club comps going on, or just something random.


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